“When you are in any contest, you should work as if there were — to the very last minute — a chance to lose it. This is battle, this is politics, this is anything.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower
We are in the last minutes of the Lenten season and we need to make sure that we do everything that we can to maintain our resolve. It would be a shame to quit our preparations now; yet, that is exactly what some people do. For them, Lent may have been a bit rough and as they come upon Palm Sunday, somehow they tell themselves, “Easter’s here. I’ve done enough.”
As we came together yesterday to celebrate Palm Sunday/Passion Sunday, we needed to strengthen our resolve. Why? One of the things about Palm Sunday is that it reminds us just how fickle human nature truly is. The same group of people that shouted “Hosanna!” to Jesus as He entered Jerusalem shouted all the louder, “Crucify Him!” a short time later. Lest we join the crowds who rejected and condemned the Lord, we need to make sure that we stick to our many Lenten promises so that we may be ready to celebrate Easter.
We are, after all, in a contest, a very grave contest, a life or death contest. We are in a contest with an enemy who wishes to win our souls so that we cannot return to God at the end of our days. That contest is filled with pitfalls that we need to skirt around throughout our lives. That contest could be lost at the very last minute if we take our eyes off of the goal. President Eisenhower phrased the caution so well. We should always be working on our faith, striving our best to win the battle, so that we can share in the victory won for us by Jesus Christ.
There are a great many people that I have a responsibility to shepherd at my parish. I always worry for them, especially at Holy Week and, most especially, when Holy Week also combines with Spring Break. The holiest days of the Church year will take place at the end of the week yet many will be on holiday and will not even attempt to go to church let alone continue Lenten resolutions.
Do not give up. If anything, redouble your Lenten efforts today. It is too easy to lose when we are so close to the prize.
To that end, if you have not gone to confession yet for Easter, I really encourage you to do so. Confession is one of the best ways to cleanse the soul and prepare the soul for the Lord. Confessions will be heard at St. Thomas More in Munster this coming Wednesday, March 27th, from 6:00 p.m. until finished. Taize Prayer will be at 7:00 p.m. for those who are interested.
FAITH ACTION: Do your best to maintain your Lenten resolutions and try to be the best inspiration for those around you.