“Our lives improve only when we take chances — and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.” ~ Walter Anderson
Thirty-one million six hundred thousand. Do you want to know what that number is all about? There are 31,600,000 entries in Google Search under the key word “honesty”. It must be something spoken of and written about quite often. It must be a value that is cherished by millions. It must have some kind of importance to have that many entries.
Honesty is the best policy. We have all heard that from the beginning of our lives. Our parents and teachers and employers and best friends all tell us that they want us to be honest with them. Sometimes we are. Sometimes we are not.
We pick and choose the person and occasion that we feel deserves honesty. Sometimes our honesty is shaded. We might only be 50 percent honest with someone rather than totally honest. Our reasons vary. We might not be honest to save their feelings. We might not be honest to save our hide. Either way, dishonesty begets more dishonesty.
God has been honest with us from the beginning of time. We have generally lived in dishonesty, hiding our sins and offenses. It is time to grow up, to be honest with ourselves and with God, and to see the world and our lives as God intends. Do not be afraid. He will walk with us every step of the way if we invite Him to do so.
The most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves; yet, the greatest rewards are also attached when we do so. It is only in total honesty that we can grow emotionally and spiritually. It is only in total honesty that we see our true relationship with others and with God. It is only in total honesty that we can be victorious in the challenges that we face in life.
FAITH ACTION: In these last few days of Lent, spend quiet time in frank, honest conversation with God.