Strive At All Times

23 Apr

“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best.”  ~ St. Jerome

We can always improve. It is that simple. Well, simple to say, perhaps. Much more difficult to accomplish. However, we can always improve.

If we want to be an accomplished musician, a half-hour a day of practice will not cut it. We will practice for hours on our instrument(s) in order to become as proficient as possible. If we want to be great at sports, we will use as much time each day practicing so that we can not only be good but be the best at what we do. If we want to be a great actor, we will work hard at rehearsing lines, at understanding audience reaction, and at being proficient on the stage.

As I have often reminded us, it is the same with our faith. If we really want to be good Christians, we have to practice at it. Our practice takes many forms: prayer, fasting, service, and time, to name just a few.

We cannot just claim to be Christian. That would be a lie as well as a horrible insult to our Lord. If we claim the name Christian, if we identify ourselves with Christ, we have to live as His witnesses and not our own. When we speak or do, people should hear or see God. If they cannot discern God in who we are and what we do, we are failing at our lives as Christians.

Jesus told His followers on a few occasions that if they wanted to be best, they would have to be the servant of all. Servants are far from passive people. They are always on the go, always looking out for the needs of their master, and always wanting to accomplish their master’s will.

We say that we are servants of the Lord. Never rest on that claim. Instead, practice that claim every day. Strive to do better today than you did yesterday. Let today’s success spur you on to even better works tomorrow.

While on earth, it is our time to work. We will have time to rest and to shine when we are called home by God. Until then, let’s get to it.

FAITH ACTION: In the midst of everything else you have planned today, make time for God. Give Him the best part of your day.