As He Said
“Let every man and woman count himself immortal. Let him catch the revelation of Jesus in his resurrection. Let him say not merely, ‘Christ is risen,’ but ‘I shall rise.'” ~ Phillips Brooks
Easter is such a splendid day and is, indeed, the most important feast in the liturgical life of the Church. Some accord that distinction to Christmas. However, Christmas would not mean a thing if the Christ-Child did not ultimately die and rise from the dead. Easter is truly what it is all about.
When Easter arrives, we shuck the gloomy mantle that we have worn throughout the Lenten season. Lent was that time of repentance and many of us can get quite dark as the days progress.
Since Lent encourages us to look within and come into contact with our sinfulness, we often lose the joy that is within us. Some people even begin to lose hope as they gaze at their sinfulness and wonder if God could ever forgive them.
Thus, at Easter, we glory in the decorations of the day. The smells of the lilies and other flowers send a fragrance through the air that even those of us with seasonal allergies delight in sensing.
The flame of the Paschal Candle burning bright and tall in front of us reminds us that Christ is the Light and His light has dispelled the darkness of sin and death.
Yet, for many, Easter is only about externals. The externals point to Christ.
Phillips Brooks reminds us, Easter is not only about the Lord, it is about us all. The Lord’s victory has become our victory. The Lord has risen from the dead and now so shall we.
That is what we proclaim at the Easter liturgies. That is what we proclaim throughout the Easter season. That is what we nurse in our heart and soul. That gives us the grace and the courage that we need to face everyday life. One day, if we remain faithful to God here on earth, we shall be able to join in His resurrection.
The Lord is risen as He said. Alleluia, alleluia!
FAITH ACTION: In prayer today, take the time to thank the Lord for the victory that He has won for you and for all of those who are so important to you.