Mary said:
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.
From this day all generations will call me blessed:
the Almighty has done great things for me
and holy is his Name.” (Lk 1 46-49)
We believe that, at the end of her days on earth, Mary was taken up body and soul to heaven. She participated in the great mystery of her Son, Jesus, who, after His death rose from the dead.
We believe that Mary rose body and soul because her body would not have to experience the decay of death since she was untouched by the stain of original sin. That dogma was proclaimed as the Immaculate Conception.
We shall not do the same.
For us, our frail, mortal bodies will be left behind and turn to the dust from which they were made. We believe that we will receive new, glorified, heavenly bodies after our death.
Either way, though, we will participate in the eternal life that was won for us in Christ Jesus’ death and resurrection. Our death is swallowed up in the victory of Jesus’ resurrection. There is no victory or sting to death because death has been conquered and eternal life assured.
Assured, at least, to those who believe and embrace the promises of our Lord.
That is what we have been left: a promise by our God. If we live in that promise, we have nothing to worry about.
We pray today that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us that we may have the grace to hold firm to our faith in her Son.
FAITH ACTION: Pray the Prayer Commending Oneself to the Blessed Virgin Mary by St. Aloysius Gonzaga:
O holy Mary, my Mistress, into thy blessed trust
and special blessing, into the bosom of thy tender
mercy, this day, every day of my life and at the
hour of my death, I commend my soul and body;
to thee I entrust all my hopes and consolations,
all my trials and miseries, my life and the end of
my life, that through thy most holy intercession
and thy merits, all my actions may be ordered
and disposed according to thy will and that of thy
divine Son. Amen.