Celebrating Students

29 Jan

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”  ~ Benjamin Franklin

On Monday, we began Catholic Schools Week considering vocations.  Yesterday, we celebrated families.  Today, we celebrate our students.  This will be a fun day for our students as they spend the entire day with their House. Activities will include a “Parade of Saints” by our 8th grade/House Captains, lunch with their House, All School Bingo and a special treat for all students. Students will be able to wear their House t-shirt with jeans.

Students work very hard throughout the year doing their best to excel in academics, sports, the arts, and a whole host of other activities.  They belong to school organizations as well as organizations outside the school.  These organizations all help them to develop skills — social, academic, physical — as well as to give them opportunities to unwind and blow off pent up energy.

In our school, we do our best to see the whole student and to address the needs of the whole student.  As a matter of fact, our school motto is “Educating the Whole Child in the Values of Jesus and Mary”.  Part of what that whole child needs is to have some fun.  Today is geared for just that.

We celebrate our students today and acknowledge the many and varied gifts that God has given to them.

FAITH ACTION:  Pray for all students — grade school, high school, college, grad school — and ask God to bless them with the knowledge of just how much they are loved and supported.