What Is Your Gift?
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” ~ Anonymous
In his famous letter to the Church in Corinth, St. Paul enumerated many of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He told the Christian community that there were a variety of gifts. He let the community know that the gifts were given for the building and uplifting of the community. And he challenged the community to use their gifts.
Knowing that there are a huge variety of gifts provides us hope for, sometimes, we do not feel as if we have anything to offer. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. We all have something to offer. We just need to discern what our gifts might be.
That is what takes a lot of time, introspection, and patience. We can fail to see our gifts if we focus too hard on the gifts of others. When we compare ourselves, we can end up becoming envious. If that happens, we might discontinue our search, becoming morose over the fact that we cannot do what another person can do.
God created us in His divine image and likeness. When He put us on this world, He had a plan for us. Our job is to discern both God’s plan for us as well as the gifts God has given us to carry out His plan. When we discern our gifts, God wants us to use them to the utmost of our ability. In doing so, we will be giving to others and, in the process, will build up ourselves.
God’s generosity knows no bounds. It is such a wonderful thing to know that God wants us to give ourselves completely yet, in the process, receive even more. As we receive that “more”, we are asked to give that away as well. In doing so, we will get even more!
When God finds a person willing to be used to channel God’s graces and love, God will use that person as a great gift to others. Be the gift that God wants you to be today.
FAITH ACTION: Ask God to help you discern your gift(s) and to give you the grace and courage to give your gift(s) freely to others.