Never Discourage Anyone

14 Jan

“Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress no matter how slow.”  ~ Plato

“If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing well.”  That is the mantra that some people take in life and they live it on a daily basis.  They plan and work their plan in order for the outcome to be what is expected.

Then there is the other camp.  Their mantra would be more like, “Forget about doing it well.  Just get it done.  The faster, the better.”  We know what that line of thinking produces: a lot of broken products and multiple failures.  The fact of the matter is that society today is rather impatient.  We want things done quickly.  We don’t like to wait.  If we have to wait, we often go somewhere else where we can get things faster.

That attitude permeates life and causes great consternation because, after all, everyone learns at a different pace and produces at a different pace.  No matter how slow a person may be, if that person is making progress, that person should not be discouraged.  On the contrary, that person should be given as much encouragement as possible.

Do you help or hinder others?  Do you lend encouragement or do you tend to discourage?  How about yourself?  Do you give yourself the patience you need in order to achieve or do you tend to become discouraged and give up?

FAITH ACTION:  Encourage those around you today and give yourself some slack as well if you are struggling to get something done.