Celebrating Families
“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” ~ Michael J. Fox
As we continue Catholic Schools Week at our parish school, today we celebrate families. All of our school families have been invited to our All-School Mass at 8:30 a.m. Family members and/or special guests will come directly to the church in the morning with the student and arrive any time after 8:00 a.m. Each family will sit with their student(s) during Mass. After Mass, students will return to their homeroom teacher for the remainder of the day.
Family is an important part of any person’s life. We know that people who come from broken families or from families that do not show love or respect for each other face immense obstacles in life.
In a faith-based school, we acknowledge that the family is the primary teacher of the faith. If the students are being taught things that are contrary to the faith, the school has a much harder time instilling values in the students.
Families are not always “good”. Families are not always “perfect”. Families are not always loving or supportive. That is why we need to pray for families, that God’s love can come into all of their lives and give them the grace that they need in order to live in love, peace, and harmony with one another and with God.
We celebrate family today. May the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph guide us in all of our ways.
FAITH ACTION: Pray this prayer today and as often as you can on a daily basis:
Heavenly Father, bless our family with love.
Give us the grace to live with one another,
to support one another, and to encourage
one another so that our journey may lead
to the Kingdom you have prepared for us.