“God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” ~ Saint Augustine
Love is a very multidimensional word, is it not? Love can mean care for another. Love can mean total commitment. Love can mean reward. Love means many things because the word and the reality have both been tainted by the world in which we live, a world touch by sin.
There are some people who are afraid to love because of things that may have happened to them in their past. There are others who are emotionally unable to love. There are those who “love everyone” and appear to be shallow. Most people agree that if we find one, two, or three people in our lives whom we can truly love, we are fortunate. But, again, that idea of love is from the world because, after all, we are to love all people.
What is love? It is desiring the best for another person. It is seeing and responding to the Lord who dwells in all of His people. It is reaching out to the poor and downtrodden and providing them with what they need. It is work, sacrifice, and fulfillment all at once.
Jesus was the embodiment of love. He desired the best for every person and gave His all for every person. He provided for the needs of others, challenged those who needed a wake up call, and educated those who were lost or confused. He did it all because He desired not to lose a single person who came to Him.
When Jesus ministered to a person, that person must have felt that it was just Jesus and him or her. In crowds with people pushing and shoving, Jesus keyed in on individuals who approached Him in need, perhaps doing nothing more than touching the tassels of His cloak. How was that possible?
Well, aside from the fact that Jesus was the Son of God, I think it was very possible because Jesus did, indeed, care for everyone. All people were special. All people were important. Therefore, all people would have His attention even if they didn’t think they were noticed or worthy.
In the eyes of God, we are all worthy. We, who were created in His divine image and likeness, have His attention at all times, yes, as if there were only one of us. Doesn’t it make us feel special to know that His keen eye is on us at all times knowing our needs and ready to help? Turn to Him today and allow Him to care for you.
FAITH ACTION: As God loves us, let us do all that we can to love those who are in our lives as well as those whom we encounter who are discouraged, lonely, frightened, or somehow in need.