“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” ~ Winston Churchill
Getting, collecting, achieving, hoarding, or whatever word you might want to use does not necessarily mean that we have amounted to anything. It might just mean that we have become rich or that we have the most stuff.
If we truly want to amount to something, we have to learn to give.
There are so many ways to do so. We can give materially. Money and tangible goods are all ways to give materially. But, there are a myriad of intangible ways to give as well. Time, respect, consideration, care, and concern are just some of the intangible ways to give.
After we are gone, people are not going to be as prone to talking about all the things that we had in our lives. No. They will talk about how we gave to others. Let’s make sure we leave them plenty of talking points.
FAITH ACTION: Try not to be overly concerned with self today. Rather, look out for the welfare and benefit of those around you.