“Detail exists for only one reason, to uphold the narrative reality of the story being told.” ~ Joe Rohde
Today’s quote was taken from one of my favorite people. Joe Rohde might not be known by a lot of people. However, if you are in to Disney like I am in to Disney, you will recognize his name as of one of the Walt Disney Imagineers.
Joe has been instrumental in bringing many aspects of the parks to life. Most recently, he was the driving creative force behind Pandora in Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Detail, to Joe, is everything.
If you have ever been to the Animal Kingdom and went to Harambe Village to do the safari, you will see their original theme work. Joe made sure that Disney brought people over from Africa just to thatch the roofs of the buildings so that the “village” would be as authentic as possible.
Detail is everything. And, as Joe Rohde states, detail is what drives and upholds the narrative reality. Without detail, the story ceases to exist.
So it is with our faith. Detail is so very important.
Some people, sadly, live on the fringes of the details of our faith narrative. They barely know the stories of our faith. They may just know certain prayers, sometimes not even enough to follow along in Church. Their minimal knowledge of the details of the faith contribute to their drifting away because the story of Jesus Christ just does not make sense to them. It does not hold their interest. They are too busy paying attention to the details of the world.
We are deep into the season of Lent. This holy season is rich in detail, yet many may not even know it. They may barely comprehend the rules and regulations of Lent (fasting and abstinence) but not understand why we do what we do. Stations of the Cross and other devotions might be totally foreign to them.
If the faith is going to have any meaning to us at all, we need to know the details of it. Dig into the faith. Read as much as you can. Watch inspirational movies. Read inspirational books. Go to Lenten services and participate. Ask questions along the way if you are unfamiliar with what we do or why we do it.
The more details you can come to know, the more clearly Jesus Christ will come into focus. He is waiting for you — in all the details.
FAITH ACTION: If there are aspects of your faith about which you know you are unclear, do all that you can to learn about them so that you may know the Lord as completely as possible.