“I will do it tomorrow. How often we all do so and what a pity it is that when morning comes and tomorrow is today we so frequently wake up feeling quite differently. Careless or impatient and not a bit inclined to do the fine things we planned to do overnight.” ~ Susan Coolidge
This Wednesday begins the discipline of Lent. That season is a beautiful one in the Church if used properly. Lent can draw us closer to the Lord if we immerse ourselves into it as completely as possible. We must enter the season willingly, lovingly, completely, and immediately. If we decide to stall on making plans for our Lent, it will be Easter before we know it and we will never have done anything.
Lent involves sacrifice. Many people give things up for Lent, things like candy, snacks, and the like. While those are well and good, it might be helpful to give up other things, too.
Give up impatience. So many times, we trample others because we lack the patience to deal with them. Give up the impatience that often keeps us distant from one another. Doing so will help us come to a better understanding of those in our lives.
Give up selfishness. Let the other go first. Meet someone else’s needs ahead of your own. Before helping yourself to anything, offer it to someone else. Doing so will help us not only see other people in our lives but also teach us that they have needs as well as how to respond to their needs.
Give up procrastination. If you promise the Lord that you are going to do something, do it. The same day. Immediately, if at all possible. That will help us realize that our God truly takes precedence in our lives. “His will be done” should be our most important mantra.
Beside giving things up, make resolutions that incorporate positive good: volunteer at a shelter or soup kitchen, visit the sick and shut in, become a Eucharistic Minister to the sick and shut in, volunteer to be a tutor. There are so many people and agencies that are in need of volunteers who truly care.
I know that Ash Wednesday is still a few days away. I bring all of this up today because we need to prepare for Ash Wednesday. We need to think about what it is we need to do this Lent in order to be more prepared to celebrate the glories of Easter. Let us not just talk about what needs to be done this Lent, let us actually do them!
FAITH ACTION: Examine your life and make a plan regarding what you are going to do this year during the season of Lent. Go into it prepared.