“Like all magnificent things, it’s very simple.” ~ Tuck Everlasting
We are body and soul. That simple truth comes with a series of complications. Paul used to write about the predicaments of being body and soul as he told his people that the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak. Paul’s soul — as all of ours — yearned for the Lord but his body, steeped in the world, often yearned for things that were not from the Lord.
God or the world? Which do we choose? That dilemma faces each of us every day. When we look at this and dissect it in our minds, the answer is amazingly clear. Well, of course, we’re going to choose God. However, we generally do not make our decisions in such a sterile environment. We are impacted by the world and enticed by the world. Our intellect tells us one thing and our desires tell us something else.
God tells us, “It’s very simple. If you want to love, love.” He not only tells us, He shows us. He loves us so much that when we wandered far from Him and sin entered the world, He promised to send a savior. His Son loves us so much that He was willing to be arrested, convicted, and crucified in order that we might have the opportunity to return to Him at the end of our days.
If we had a chance to ask Him, “Why would you take on the form of one of us?”, His answer would be, “That’s simple. I love you.” If we had a chance to ask Him, “Why would you allow yourself to be tortured and nailed to a cross?”, His answer would be, “That’s simple. I love you.” If we truly love, the answer is simple.
We have a little more than one week to go in this year’s Lenten journey. We might have strayed from our original resolutions. We might have foregone them completely. We realize the need to get ourselves back on track in order to be as ready as possible to celebrate the glories that come with Holy Week and Easter.
While the world is trying to tell us that it’s too late to get ourselves back on track, our souls are saying, “It’s simple. Start again. That’s all you need to do.”
FAITH ACTION: You want to hold firm to your Lenten resolutions? It’s very simple: just do it.