“I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.” ~ Martin Luther
This weekend, we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Truly, Christ is our King. He is the one to whom we owe allegiance. He is the one who has redeemed us by His suffering, death, and ultimate resurrection. He is the one to whom all creation is moving and hopes to arrive.
Luther was spot on when he acknowledged that it is only when we place ourselves in God’s hands that we will be secure. When we think that we can take care of everything on our own, we dupe ourselves into a false sense of security. We might be able to achieve and attain but we cannot hold on to it forever. That falls to the purview of God.
Why is it that we are afraid to place things in God’s hands? Why do we not trust Him as completely as we ought? Is it because we judge God according to human standards? We judge Him to be unreliable or unpredictable because that is what we have experienced too often from others? I think that might well be the case.
That would be our first mistake, you know. There is no way that we are competent to judge God. In order to judge Him, we would have to be His superior. As far as I am aware, there is no superior to God. He was before all and will remain after the world ends. He is the one who created us and the one who calls us to Himself. To Him our praise and honor is due as well as our allegiance.
Christ is the King. Rejoice in that knowledge. Be secure in that reality. Be content in that relationship. We, His subjects, reap the benefit of all that He has won for us. How many worldly rulers would desire a deep relationship with their people? God desires that kind of deep, intimate relationship with us. We can go to Him with great confidence because He wants to help us and He wants us to pour our hearts out to Him.
Is Christ your King? Do you dedicate each day to Him? Do you invite Him into your lives in a deeper way each day? Do you do everything that you can to grow closer to Him on a daily basis? Do you trust Him completely? The answers to these questions probably relate to our daily experience more than we would think. We cannot say that Christ is our King and live for ourselves. It just doesn’t work and, sooner or later, we will find ourselves falling.
FAITH ACTION: Don’t just pledge yourself to Christ the King today but make an honest assessment of your relationship with Him and ask Him to give you the grace to trust Him completely.