How Could We Go Wrong?

12 Mar

Thus says the LORD:
This is what I commanded my people:
Listen to my voice;
then I will be your God and you shall be my people.
Walk in all the ways that I command you,
so that you may prosper. (Jer 7:23)

There is a phrase that one of my friends uses quite often.  He always says, “You could mess up a one car funeral!”  I always laugh to myself when I hear that and think about it.  Imagine a one car “procession” getting all fouled up.  Yet, we so often do that.

After all, what could be easier than then deal that God made to His people:  “I will be your God and you shall be my people”?  No one can possibly mess that deal up, could they?


We mess that deal up quite regularly, as a matter of fact.  We do so when we insist on being our own god or making someone else or something else our god.

How many people have ruined their lives because another person became more important to them than anything else?  They followed that one person down a bad path and found themselves losing everything and everyone.  Yet they could not do anything about it because they had so given themselves over to that other person.

How many people have ruined their lives because some thing became more important to them than anything else.  That “thing” may have been a particular job or profession, a substance, or something like fortune, fame or power.  They sold themselves out for some thing and lost everything in the process.

All we have to do is let God be God.  If we do that, everything will be all right.

FAITH ACTION:  Is there something or someone in your life more important to you than your relationship with God?  If so, do what you can to re-prioritize your life so that God, and God alone, is the most important.  If you know of someone who has made someone or something their god, help them to understand that they are jeopardizing themselves.