Saint Joseph was a just man, a tireless worker, the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care. May he always guard, protect and enlighten familes.
~ St. John Paul II
Today we celebrate the Memorial of St. Joseph the Worker. He was one of the few in scriptures that was ever accorded the title of “just man” and he did all that he could do to care for the Christ-child when He came into our world.
Joseph was not sure about what was going to happen. As a matter of fact, he had decided to divorce Mary when she told him that she was pregnant. However, an angel told Joseph in a dream that Mary was carrying the Son of God and that God wanted Joseph to have a key role in caring for the Child. Joseph heard the message, took it to heart, and embraced God’s will, taking Mary as his wife and caring for Jesus as long as he was able.
Many people in our world today have been entrusted to the care of others. They could use the help of St. Joseph in discharging their duties as guardians. Caring for another is not always an easy task, especially in our world where relationships are often fractured and children are often unwanted.
What makes a “holy family” is not a perfect set of people. Rather, it is a group of people who are doing their best to care for and love one another under all sorts of circumstances. We can contribute to the plight of families or to the survival of families by how we live our own lives.
We are called to be a just people. We are called to open our minds and hearts to hear the Word of God and to act upon it with complete trust, as Joseph did.
It was no capricious act that made Joseph the Patron of the Universal Church. It was a well thought-out action that entrusted all of us to Joseph’s patronal care. If he was good enough to care for Jesus, he certainly is good enough for us!
FAITH ACTION: Pray for all those who have been given the charge of being a guardian for others, that they may have all the graces that they need to care for those entrusted to their care.