“God is a God of the present. God is always in the moment, be that moment hard or easy, joyful or painful.” ~ Henri Nouwen
I think one of the things we often fail to realize is that God is always with us, always present to us, in every moment of our day. We find that relatively easy to believe when times are good. However, we have a hard time believing that when times are rough.
Our human nature kicks in at those times and we end up telling ourselves that things were bad because God was not around. How can God, who is omnipresent, not be around? How could we think that God turns a blind eye to us when times get rough?
If we look at some of those times after the fact, we realize that God was with us when times were rough more closely than we’ve ever experienced in the “good times.” We find that He was leading us and guiding us, holding us close to Himself, and bringing us to safety. That is very much at the heart of the poem “Footprints in the Sand.”
Sadly, when we are in rough times and we think that God has left us by ourselves, we are in danger of our faith lessening. People lose their trust in God in some of those circumstances. When that happens, there is a clear winner and it is not God. It is our common enemy, the devil.
The devil wants us to mistrust God. He wants us to believe that God cannot possibly be at all places at all times and therefore leaves us alone at times we need Him most. Don’t let our enemy win. Instead, cling to the Lord even in the tempests of your life.
FAITH ACTION: Look for God in all the moments of your day, no matter what those moments may be.