So Many New Beginnings

3 Feb

“Mondays are the start of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!”  ~ David Dweck

“Is it Friday yet?”  “Is it Monday already?!”  These two phrases seem to be used more than anything else by people at work.  There are throngs of people who long for Fridays, that glorious last day of the week.  Their productivity is low as they count the hours then minutes until they can go home and begin a weekend.

When they get home, there is not a whole lot constructive planned.  They are just glad to be off of work.  They spend their weekend in idleness and then, when Monday comes around, lament the fact that another weekend has passed.

We could get into the mode of lamentation for all the lost days of our lives or we could look ahead with expectant hope at what is yet to come.

Instead of lamenting the fact that another weekend has gone, let us thank God for the gift of life this day and for the opportunity that another week brings to us.  If in school, we have the opportunity to learn new things that we will be able to use in our future as well as continue to build friendships with others.  If at work, we have the opportunity to increase our productivity and feel good about our accomplishments.  If retired, we have another week to explore new things in our lives that may have been put on hold while we worked.

There is always something to look forward to and to celebrate.  God offers us new beginnings each day of our life.  Let us not lose the excitement that fact brings to us.

FAITH ACTION:  Dedicate not only your day to God but your entire week.  Ask Him to keep your mind and heart open to all the things that He has to show you this week.