It Should Not Frighten You
“A small fact: You are going to die….does this worry you?” ~ Markus Zusak, The Book Thief
Each week, I publish a list of deceased priests and deacons from our diocese whose death anniversaries take place within the week. Some weeks, the list is sparse. Other weeks, like this, the list is long. This week, we remember nine individuals who have served the Diocese of Gary. As I look at the list, six of them have died after my ordination in 1983.
There are a lot of people who look at the daily obituaries in the newspaper or online. One of the things they note is whether the person who died was younger or older. When the ages of the people who died all seem to be younger, some begin to worry. They often ask, Is it my time? Am I going to be next? Who will remember me? What legacy do I leave?
Death is frightening to so many people but it shouldn’t be. The nine people we remember this week would all say that death is something to be welcomed and embraced. Death is merely the door to eternal life. Eternal life with God should not frighten anyone.
While we are here on this earth, we are called to live as God’s witnesses. We bring the news of God’s love to others by the manner in which we speak and we love. It is incumbent upon each and every one of us to love one another just as God loves us. If we do, our lives will be a success.
Death is a part of the corrupt, mortal world in which we live. Corruptibility and mortality came about because of the Fall. When that happened, God promised to send a savior who would redeem us and save us from the clutches of mortality and corruptibility. That all came about because of Jesus.
God became one of us. That wonderful mystery of the Incarnation was celebrated recently at Christmas. God-made-man would die on a cross and rise from the dead three days later in order to save us from sin and death. We will soon focus upon that part of our salvation history as we enter Lent and prepare for Easter.
FAITH ACTION: Pray for those who fear death, that they may turn their fears over to the Lord and become confident and unafraid in all that awaits them after their time on earth. And pray for our deceased priests and deacons.