God Revealed Himself To Us

7 Jan

“The well-known biblical story of the Magi who journey to find the Christ child and to bring gifts offers an emblematic story of knowing. They are not called wise men for nothing! nor is it a meaningless accident that we use the word epiphany in referring to a moment of insight. Epiphany is the name of the church season in which we celebrate God’s revealing himself to these Gentiles – and to us.”  ~ Esther Lightcap Meek

Today is the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. Meek reminds us that it is the day we celebrate God’s revealing Himself to us through our representatives, the Magi. When the Three Kings came to see the Lord, they approached with great joy because, as they read it in their scrolls, this was not just any child. This was a newborn King.

Jesus is King of the Universe. We actually celebrated that on the last Sunday of Ordinary Time before we entered the season of Advent. Jesus’ Kingship is over all people past, present, and future. Jesus reveals Himself to us in all sorts of ways.

Physically, Jesus was revealed to the world as a newborn infant. Experientially, Jesus reveals Himself to us in the lives of others, in the things that people do for us, in the immensity and grandeur of nature, and a myriad of other ways. The fact of the matter is that God is always revealing Himself to us. If we fail to see it, it might be because we are not looking for it.

As much as God reveals Himself to His world, the world, steeped in sin, does its best to block that vision and those insights from us. The world would rather have us go for the glitz and glamor that it promises. Look past the distractions of the world and see how God is revealing Himself to you today.

FAITH ACTION:  Pray for those who have quit searching for the Lord, that they come to find Him nonetheless.