For you are my hope, O Lord;
my trust, O God, from my youth.
On you I depend from birth;
from my mother’s womb you are my strength. (Ps 71:5-6a)
Today’s readings talk about the conception of two very important people: Samson and John the Baptist.
These “miracle babies” were given to two women who were barren. They had given up any hope of ever being able to conceive children.
Yet, their prayers were answered.
Each of the children were heralded by angels: an angel speaking to Samson’s mother and an angel speaking to John’s father.
Our births were miracles as well. Every conception is a great miracle from God.
Each of us have an angel “running interference” for us as well. Sure, an angel may not have spoken to our mothers or fathers; however, our guardian angels stand guard over us from the time we are conceived until the time we are called back home.
Because, just like Samson and John the Baptist, God has a plan for us.
That should give us great comfort. After all, we were all wanted by our God.
He is our hope, our trust from our youth!
FAITH ACTION: Pray for all the unwanted children today, for all those whose lives are at peril because they were conceived and their mothers or fathers are considering aborting them.