“Talk unbelief, and you will have unbelief; but talk faith, and you will have faith. According to the seed sown will be the harvest.” ~ Ellen G. White
Unbelief. That is something that is very difficult to counter. When we do not believe, there is a part of ourselves that refuses to do so no matter the proof to the contrary. We come close to the end of the Octave of Easter by listening to today’s Gospel. Mary Magdalene encountered the Risen Lord outside the empty tomb. Jesus instructed her to go to His Apostles and tell them the Good News.
Mary did her part. She rushed to the Apostles and told them that she had seen the Risen Lord. The Apostles? They did not believe. Whether it was because of their grief or their fear, they could not accept Mary’s message. When Jesus appeared to all of them later, the first thing that He did was to chastise them for their unbelief.
Jesus comes to us each day. He appears to us in the many people we encounter and He speaks to us in all the experiences in which we engage. But, do we really believe that? Do we see Jesus in others? Do we see Him operating in all of our experiences? Or, do we discount that. Do we say, like the Apostles said to Mary Magdalene, “I don’t believe.”
What does it take for us to believe? What will it take?
Christ has risen as He said. Alleluia, Alleluia!
FAITH ACTION: Before you begin your day, ask God to open your eyes and your heart to all the ways that He is waiting to encounter you today so that you may see Him more clearly and respond to His great love.