“Advent, this powerful liturgical season…, invites us to pause in silence to understand a presence. It is an invitation to understand that the individual events of the day are hints that God is giving us, signs of the attention he has for each one of us.” ~ Pope Benedict XVI
SHUT UP!!! That is how we generally tried to get one another’s attention when we were younger. Of course, it was very rude (and, actually, not very effective). The much more polite way would be to say, “Would you please be quiet and listen?”
That polite phrase is what is being said to us today. I saved this quote until Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Advent because the world is more than likely speaking in rather loud tones to grab our attention. It’s screaming at us about last minute sales. If we look around, we would even be able to find some stores that are running after-Christmas specials even though Christmas has not arrived yet. It’s all about making the big buck.
We might be tempted to shout at the world to shut up. We might be fed up with all the extraneous noise of the many things that are trying to get our attention. Meanwhile, on the side, perhaps even way on the side, the season of Advent is gently tugging on our sleeves and saying, “Would you quiet yourself down and listen?”
Advent is telling us that it is not too late. We don’t have to rush into anything. We could take our time to slow down our lives and quiet our hearts and contemplate the Lord. It is possible. It is even manageable. All we have to do is desire it and attempt to do it.
Advent, and God, only need our attempt. If we head in the right direction, God will take our hand and lead us closer to Him. This weekend is a huge spiritual reality. Don’t let the world tell you otherwise. The demands we place on ourselves over secular Christmas are many. But spiritual Christmas is what is so important. Would you please be quiet and think about that?
FAITH ACTION: Try to plan moments for silence through the remaining days of this week that you might better concentrate upon the mysteries of the Lord’s coming as a baby as well as His return in glory.