“Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.” ~ Dave Barry
I thought that I would look for a good Black Friday quote and I landed on the above. Dave Barry is an American author and syndicated humor columnist who has a refreshing take on daily life. His wit has always hit the nail on the head when it comes to his insights on the human condition.
Black Friday begins a frenetic shopping cycle that leads up to Christmas. Black Friday has been spoken of quite often as a very ruthless day. Beginning shortly after midnight, crowds begin to gather in front of many stores in order to be the first to get in for the day-after-Thanksgiving specials. A limited amount of inventory often leads to fighting and downright nastiness. People have even been stabbed or shot by others who were angrily trying to get what they wanted.
What if the world would view their faith with as much fanaticism? What if parishes would have crowds waiting at church doors so that they could be first to their favorite pews? What if people waited in line so that they could be the first to sign up to visit the sick or the shut-in?
Why does the practice of our faith take a backseat to a bargain at the local mall? Why does a humorist write about the scuffles of Black Friday as a “deeply religious time”? Perhaps it is because we have gotten our values wrong. We have lost our way. Money, product, and instant gratification appear to be more important then spending time with the Lord or pleasing the Lord.
A deeply religious time is soon upon us. Advent begins with the vigil Mass of Sunday tomorrow night. As we prepare for Christmas, let us do our best not to be swayed by the world as it tells us it has all the answers and all the reward. Let us, rather, do all that we can to draw closer to our God.
FAITH ACTION: Make some extra time to spend with the Lord today either in prayer or in performing corporal or spiritual works of mercy.