“The things you own end up owning you.” ~ Chuck Palahniuk
We have to be careful with possessions. There are some who value possessions so highly that they end up causing great grief and, even, death. I am sure you have heard about the people who run into a burning building just to save a favorite painting, instrument, or knickknack of some kind. Others look at the reports and are utterly amazed. They would never consider risking their lives for such tangible possessions. However, some people do.
It is not wrong to have possessions. But, there are some times when a possession ends up possessing the owner. The possession is all the person can think about. They guard it carefully. They let it get in the way of friendships. They go to great lengths caring for the possession. And, as I said, sometimes they even lose their lives for the possession.
The things that we own do have an opportunity to own us. That is why we need to make sure that we put our energy into owning the right things. Instead of possessions, why not try to own peace, justice, mercy, or love? If we value those things highly and allow them to claim ownership of us, we will only become better people.
St. Francis understood that concept. Today is his feast day. His great canticle to Brother Sun and Sister Moon pays homage to God in His glory and in His creation. Francis understood his relationship with God and attempted to let nothing get in the way so that he could become possessed by God. In a sense, he truly was. He gave up himself so much that he became marked with the wounds of Christ, receiving the stigmata shortly before his death.
What is more important, possessing and being possessed by material things or possessing and being possessed by God?
FAITH ACTION: Cling not to the tangible (money, authority, possessions) today; but, to the intangible: faith, prayer, love, and God.