“If an egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from inside.” ~ Jim Kwik
Broken. That is a word that we often use to describe ourselves. We use it to describe our physical condition (“I have a broken leg”), we use it to describe our emotional state (“I have a broken heart”), and we use it to describe our spiritual state (“I have a broken spirit”). When we are broken, our lives are thrown off kilter and we often wonder when we will be whole again.
Outside forces often break us. A car accident will garner us broken limbs, a destroyed friendship will break our hearts, and sin breaks our spirits. The force of the world constantly attempts to intrude upon us and when we let the world in, we can find that it breaks us. We find ourselves living more and more in a state of sin rather than a state of grace. It becomes harder to focus ourselves on the Lord and to follow the path that leads to the Kingdom.
We are called to break the world rather than let the world break us. The Holy Spirit, which dwells inside of us, gives us the gifts that we need to maintain our own spiritual lives as well as to impact the world. When we allow the Spirit to work in our lives and impact the world, we break the hold that sin has on the world and we make it more the way God wants it to be.
We have the capacity to change this world. We can turn a culture of death into a culture of life. We can change a world that does not care into a caring place. We can rid the world of hopelessness by showing it the reasons to hope. Yes, we can do this, each and every one of us. But, we cannot do it on our own. We can only do it by letting the gifts of the Spirit flow from us into a wounded, sinful, broken world.
Are you going to be an agent for sin or an agent for good today?
FAITH ACTION: Please pray those who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil, that they allow the gifts of the Spirit to flow from them and change their lives.
Remember, the Friday of Lent are Days of Abstinence