“Where, if not in the Divine Mercy, can the world find refuge and the light of hope?” ~ St. Pope John Paul II
For the past week, we have been celebrating Easter over and over again. From Easter Sunday through its Octave, we have reminded ourselves of the ultimate victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death. God is more powerful than the hold of death and Jesus proved that to us when He rose from the dead on the third day after His death on the cross.
Yes, God is more powerful and God can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, to whomever He wants. What would we do with that kind of power?
If you ask any person that question, the answers will be quite varied and depend largely upon the age of the person. Children have one fantasy of ultimate power. Children would most likely say that they would keep their parents with them forever or that they would have chocolate cake every day or that they would always be on vacation and never in school
Teens would use their ultimate power to construct their lives. They would have the boyfriend or girlfriend of their dreams. They would have lives of fame and fortune. They would be the envy of everyone.
Young adults and adults would begin to temper their fantasies of ultimate power by hoping for jobs that would satisfy, relationships that would be sound, and children that would be protected and never want.
Whatever the age, our fantasies most often focus upon ourselves and our needs, wants, and desires. But the ultimate power of God has never focused inward. God always focuses outward. He focuses on His people. He focuses on you and on me.
We all desire to be loved. We all look for mercy and forgiveness. We all long to be noticed and wanted. We can find all of that in God who cares for us completely and unconditionally.
Today, we celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy. God provides for our every need and has mercy upon us when we sin. Turn to that great love of God and count upon His constant vigilance over you and love for you. He will never fail you.
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
FAITH ACTION: Ask God for His mercy and show that same mercy to others if they come to you seeking forgiveness.