The Lord is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and of great kindness.
The Lord is good to all
and compassionate toward all his works. (Ps 145:8-9)
We do not do well with “gracious and merciful”, do we?
On one level, we would prefer someone who is obnoxious and unforgiving. At least we know how to deal with that kind of person. We deal with them the way they deal with us!
However, when we encounter someone who is gracious and merciful, we are often “thrown off our game.” We do not know how to take that person. We question that person’s motives. We hold that person suspect.
After all, we say to ourselves, no one can be gracious and merciful without some kind of agenda.
You know what? That is true.
The Lord is gracious and merciful and even He has an agenda.
His agenda?
Quite simply: us.
God’s agenda is to care for all of His people, all of the time, for all eternity.
He loves us.
It’s just that simple.
Love is truly the way to go. Try to show that same love to the people you encounter today.
FAITH ACTION: Pray for the grace to love unconditionally the people who come into your life today.