“That which you believe becomes your world.” ~What Dreams May Come
There are many people who tease me about my love for Disney. They know that I go to Florida every January after New Year’s and they like to rib me about it. I’m not just about Disney, though. I’m also about cruising. At Disney, or on a cruise, I tend to do the same thing: people watch. It is wonderful to meet new people as well as to watch how people go about with their lives.
One of the things that impresses me are the ones who are very obviously Catholic. At the parks or on cruise lines, I hear people ask “Is there somewhere we can go to Mass?” On cruises, when we go to ports, there are those who go to the beaches or other historical highlights that the Shore Excursions Office has to offer. Others look for local churches to visit. They want to see the church. They want to be able to get inside the church to make a visit. They count it a huge bonus if they happen to make it in time for Mass.
If there is a Catholic chaplain onboard, those guests will go to Mass daily if offered. They will skip other activities on the ship in order to do so. Their priority to live their faith is refreshing. At Disney, there have been times that we have met others at restaurants when sharing a larger table. The inevitable talk comes around to “what do you do for a living?” When they find out they are dining with a couple of priests, especially if they are Catholic, they become very excited and share their faith lives with us.
“That which you believe becomes your world.” I can go to Disney and I can represent Disney quite well when away from it. I can cruise and I can represent the cruise line when away from it. But, whether at Disney or on cruises or on any other kind of vacation or conference, I am first and foremost a Roman Catholic. I get “caught” praying at meals at my table or looking with wonder and gratitude at churches and shrines that I have visited. I enjoy celebrating Mass for friends when away on vacation.
There is no vacation from our faith. Our faith should always be front and center. So much so, in fact, that it becomes our world.
FAITH ACTION: Make sure that your words and actions today prove to others that you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.