“The Gospel of John states that Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist. When Jesus walked by one day, John the Baptist stated, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God!’ It is then that Andrew and another made the decision to follow Jesus.” ~ Catholic.org
I went to an “Andrew Dinner” yesterday evening at St. Matthias in Crown Point. The dinner is named after St. Andrew who is credited with telling his brother, Simon, about Jesus. Andrew brought Simon to Jesus, Simon later was called Peter, and the rest, as they say, is history.
At the dinner, I was one of two priests who was asked to share my vocation story. It was a joy to do so because it reminded me of how God has been so active in my life, even when I was trying so hard not to listen to Him. I am glad that I finally did listen and committed myself to the idea of the priesthood. I’m still trying to embrace His will. Some days are easy, some days are more difficult, but all days are filled with God’s grace.
I encourage you to pray for all people, that they find their true vocation. I ask you to pray, as well, for those being called to the priesthood or religious life, that they have the grace and courage to say “Yes” to God. We need good, holy, happy priests!
FAITH ACTION: Pray the Vocation Prayer of the Diocese of Gary, written by Bishop Hying:
Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for the young people of our Diocese of Gary. Inspire each of them to embrace a life of discipleship with passion, purpose and generosity, rooted in the saving grace of baptism. Raise up many priests after your own heart to preach the Gospel, celebrate the sacraments and shepherd your people with compassion. Call more to embrace the religious life, following You as the poor, chaste, and obedient One. We pray for many and holy married couples, deacons and lay ecclesial ministers to build up the body of Christ. Inspire singles to live a concentrated commitment to You and the spread of the Good News. Stir up within all of us a deeper desire for true holiness and a passion to share your love with everyone. Lord of the harvest, send dedicated and joyous servants into the fields of the world to be the sign of your saving presence.