“Every father should remember one day his son will follow his example, not his advice.”
~ Charles Kettering
The symbol for the Jesse Tree today is a tent. It represents Father Abraham and the promise that God made to him to be the Father of Nations. That was a promise that was rather hard to grasp. Even Abraham had a hard time understanding it. He was, after all, rather advanced in age and his wife was just as old and barren as well. What promise could come from that?
Abraham, for his part, was a man of deep faith. God promised him and Abraham believed in God’s promise. Because of that, St. Paul tells us, his belief was credited to Abraham as righteousness.
Abraham had a faith that would lead and inspire his progeny. Kettering reminds us that children follow the example of their parents, not their words or advice. I remind our school parents of this all the time when I tell them that we cannot “teach” a faith to their children that is not being modeled at home. If we talk to students about values but those values are not being lived at home, they will look at us as if we are fools.
The world does not need good talkers. The world needs good witnesses. When people live the faith, they will inspire others to follow. If people talk a good game about the faith but live some other way, they actually stand the chance of stamping the faith out of others. Stand up for the faith today. Do it, not by words, but by the manner in which you will live your lives today.
Is someone you know or encounter in need? Help that person out. Will someone come to you for help this day? Be there for them and help them or direct them to someone who will be able to provide for their need. Will you encounter someone who has just lost someone dear? Spend time with them. Oftentimes, no words are needed in those occasions; but, your presence will speak volumes.
In short, do not just talk the talk today. Walk the walk. Lay down a good, holy, positive example that someone could pick up and follow all the way to the Kingdom.
FAITH ACTION: Speak with your family about people they know who might be in need and make a plan to aid those people.