He Knows Our Weakness

5 Mar

“As Lent is the time for greater love, listen to Jesus’ thirst.  He knows your weakness.  He wants only your love, wants only the chance to love you.”  ~ St. Teresa of Calcutta

Love, viewed through the prism of the world, is a pretty difficult thing to receive.  We often look at others and feel we cannot love them because of their faults, their foibles, their weaknesses.  Perhaps that is because we abhor the weakness that we perceive in ourselves.  We want to be better than we are and admitting weakness doesn’t make us feel better about ourselves at all.  Yet, we are all weak.  We are all prone to sin.  We are all in need of help.

God’s love is perfect.  God doesn’t look at us in disgust or withhold His love because of our weakness.  Not at all.  Rather, He loves us completely and gives us all the grace that we need to rise about our weakness and our sinfulness.

God knows us so well because Jesus is one of us.  True God and True Man, Jesus knows what we face.  He shares our human nature and doesn’t look down on us.  He shows us the path that we need to take in order to live with Him for eternity.

Instead of running from God and trying to cover our sin, which is impossible to do anyway, remember that God knows our weakness, He sees our sin, and He loves us anyway.  Therefore, it would behoove us to humble ourselves and go to Him in the Sacrament of Reconciliation where we can find His mercy, love, and forgiveness.

FAITH ACTION:  Let Jesus love you.  And, if you need to tell Him you’re sorry, consider going to confession this afternoon.