As We Wait

12 Dec

“The waiting of Advent teaches us to live in increments, in small pieces rather than large chunks. Waiting also teaches us to measure our progress slowly.”  ~ Holly Whitcomb

Today is Gaudete Sunday. It takes its name from the first word in Latin of the entrance antiphon at Mass.  It means rejoice.  Gaudete Sunday serves as a “breather,” if you will, for the Advent season.  It is the midway point between the beginning of Advent and the celebration of Christmas.  For those who have focused heavily upon their Advent journey, this serves as a break for them, reminding them of the joy ahead and inspiring them to continue their work.

Yes, Advent is work.  If we are to take the season seriously, Advent implies a lot of work.  We can become overwhelmed thinking about all that must be accomplished in order to draw closer to God in preparation for the celebration of the birth of His Son.

I remember the first romances of classmates in high school.  When questioned about their friendships and how they were doing, there was always a bit of a blank look on friends’ faces.  “What do you mean, ‘How’s it going?’  It’s going fine.”  They would not want to stop and think about it because, if they did, they would have to admit that their friendships needed a lot more work.  We could never be satisfied with a friendship.  We always had to look ahead and see what more we could put into the relationship to make it better.

That holds true with God as well.  Advent comes along and asks us, “How’s your relationship with God?”  We respond as we did with our high school friendships, “What do you mean?  It’s fine, of course”, unwilling to think that our relationship needs improvement.  But, it does.

That is why we have been given such a wondrous and solemn season.  Advent helps us to reflect upon our relationship with God and devise plans to make that relationship better and stronger.  As we have been working on that plan for the past two weeks, don’t falter, don’t slow down.  Keep your eyes fixed on the prize and continue the journey.

FAITH ACTION:  Don’t dwell on yesterday or worry about tomorrow.  Instead, focus upon your Advent journey today and continue your preparation for Christmas.