“Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.” ~ Alan Armstrong
One of our time-honored traditions for the New Year is the making of resolutions. These are generally done to provide some focus for ourselves as we begin anew. Oftentimes, the resolutions revolve around our health but can extend to job performance, relationships, and a whole host of other areas of our lives.
We are also aware of the fact that so many resolutions go by the wayside early on in the New Year. There are many jokes about that happening. It might be because we made too many resolutions at one time or that we made the resolutions too difficult or simply that we were not serious about the resolutions we made.
I bring up resolutions because this is the time of year that Christians often make resolutions. This coming Wednesday, we will enter the Season of Lent. Lent is a preparation for Easter. Throughout Lent, we are challenged to look at our lives and to resolve to make changes for the better.
Our spiritual resolutions should follow the same “rules” that apply for successful New Year’s resolutions: they should be achievable, the should be important to us, there should not be too many of them. To help you, I recommend the following:
- Make a resolution regarding your prayer life. Perhaps you will attempt to set a certain amount of time aside daily for prayer. Maybe you will want to learn a new way to pray. Or you might decide to come to church on a regular basis to visit the Blessed Sacrament.
- Make a resolution regarding the way you live your faith. This might entail volunteering to help someone or visiting the sick or shut-in.
- Make a resolution to perform some act of penance during Lent. This could include giving something up for Lent. This might also include going to confession throughout the season.
That’s it. A few simple things from a few different categories that can help you to focus on the meaning of the season so that you find yourself a changed person when Easter arrives.
I ask you to consider trying this out. Give it more priority than your New Year’s resolutions because, let’s face it, our New Year’s resolutions are generally much more shallow. Lenten resolutions, however, go to the heart of the person.
FAITH ACTION: Make a plan to enter the Season of Lent with eyes and hearts wide open.