They Will Never Be You

16 Jan

“Someone will always be prettier.  Someone will always be smarter.  Someone will always be younger.  But they will never be you.”  ~ Freddie Mercury

Truly, you are a unique, one-of-a-kind miracle crafted by God.  One of the things that I have been fascinated by lately has been short videos of people who work with clay on their wheels.  How they can take a lump, literally a lump, of clay and fashion it into a vase or a cup or a pitcher or a whole host of other things truly amazes me.  There are times that their look is carefree as they make their product.  Other times, their look is very intense and focused.

I think about God that way as He fashions His people.  Each and every one of us has been created by God.  Isaiah used the image of a potter over his clay when he wrote about how God fashions us.  That potter takes great delight in each of His creations just as those crafters I watch on videos take delight in their handiwork.

When asked which is their favorite, they will often say, “This one.  No, this one.  No, this one.  Actually every one is my favorite.”  I see God doing that as well.  He has no particular favorite because we are all His favorites.

That includes you!

FAITH ACTION:  Thank God for the gift of yourself and all that He has given to you and done for you.