“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.”
~ Edith Lovejoy Pierce
Today is New Year’s Day and the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. As we begin this New Year, we face it with optimism and hope. Last year’s burdens belong to last year. We leave them behind and ask God for a better, healthier, and holier year. Last year’s blessings we carry with us so that we can begin the New Year on a good footing.
We will begin our New Year most appropriately if we begin it in church. After all, our faith nourishes us on our daily pilgrimage to the Kingdom of God. Without the benefit of faith, we would be hard-pressed to hope. With faith, hope springs eternal.
Some people never take the time to appreciate New Year’s Day. They think that it is just like any other day. Well, maybe a holiday; but, other than that, just like any other day. That is farthest from the truth, though. New Year’s Day is just that: New. It is a New Year. A New Start. A New Beginning. There is something about newness that is exciting and refreshing. New means that we are stepping away from the old, that we have a fresh start.
That is precisely what this day is about both in our calendar year as well as in the faith. While we are in the Christmas season, we celebrate the birth of a Child which ushered in a new era. That helps us to look ahead and reflect upon all that was won for us in Christ Jesus, our Lord. As we begin the calendar year, we start with a clean slate. As Pierce states, we open a blank book to being writing. We call that opportunity.
Think about the opportunities available to you this year. Take a chance on yourself and make those opportunities come true. As you do so, maintain your walk with the Lord.
Happy, Blessed, and Prosperous New Year to you and yours.
FAITH ACTION: If you did not make any resolutions for yourself yet, re-read yesterday’s reflection. If you did make resolutions, good luck and God bless!