“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”
~ Hamilton Wright Mabie
You may have thought that you were off the hook. You may have thought that the celebration of New Year’s Day would get you out of the Christmas season. You may have thought that; but, you would have thought wrong. As stated earlier in these reflections, the Christmas season ends with the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord on January 12. Until then, we are in the midst of the Christmas Season.
The Season of Christmas can rightfully be called the Season of Love because Christ is Love, the gift of Love from God, our Father. We show ourselves to be children of God when we love as He loves: completely and unconditionally.
There are always conspiracy theories around. Many of them deal with the supposed murder of famous people. Some of them deal with the beginning of wars. But what about the greatest conspiracy of all: a conspiracy of love. That’s right. God asks us to engage in His love by loving one another. It’s as simple as that.
To think that God would love us so much that He would give to us His only Son and to think that His Son would love us so much that He would die for us on the cross and rise on the third day effectively destroying death and restoring life is just so incredible to consider. But to think that God asks us to join Him in his quest of loving us; well, that just astounds.
Did you ever consider that God not only loves you but, even more, trusts you to work with Him?
FAITH ACTION: Spread the message of Christmas, the message of love, today.