“I have drunken deep of joy,
And I will taste no other wine tonight.”
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley
JOY. That is the theme of the third candle, the rose candle, on the Advent wreath. It is also the theme of the third week of Advent which begins with Gaudete Sunday. The priests wear rose colored vestments and we proclaim our joy at the midpoint of the season.
There are a couple of reasons for doing so. The first reason might be timing. The third Sunday of Advent, especially when Advent is four full weeks, marks the halfway point of Advent. If people have applied themselves quite seriously to their Advent preparation, it might be time for a breather. What better breath can we take than a breath of joy?
Joy, after all, is our aim. Joy fuels us in this life and joy will envelope us at the end of our days. We’ve never heard anyone say, “Now that my loved one is dead, they’re miserable for all eternity”. No. People always talk about their loved ones living in joy, reunited with all their family and friends who have gone before them in life and reunited to joy itself, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Being Christians might be difficult, especially living in a world that would rather not hear about Jesus. But being Christians is also – and should always be – joyful. Jesus gives a joy that the world cannot give. When we show our joy, we share our joy and we pass it on to others, just as Jesus asks us to do.
FAITH ACTION: Share your joy in the Lord with those you associate today.