“Peace begins with a smile.” ~ Mother Teresa
On Monday, I mentioned that the first Advent candle symbolized Hope. The second candle represents Peace. Peace is something for which so many people long. Throughout the ages, people have sought peace. They have even gone to war for peace which is so ironic since war is far from peaceful or peace-producing. They have attempted to do great things to initiate peace.
Mother Teresa had the perfect solution to peace, though. She was one of those who believed in starting small and with herself in order to grow in holiness. She reminds us today that peace truly does begin with a smile. If we see someone and we frown at them or make an angry face, we will generate feelings in them of fear, doubt, or confusion. There is no peace in the midst of fear, doubt, or confusion. There is no peace in turmoil. We can choose to generate fear, doubt, and confusion or we can choose to generate peace.
It doesn’t take much. A simple smile. A handshake. Holding open a door for another. A simple greeting. These are all ways that we exude a confidence that comes from inner peace. As we show the peace that dwells within, we invite others to accept that peace as well.
Try it. I think you will be surprised how easy it is to accomplish. After all, people really do desire peace. If you share it with them, they will latch on to it and God can do the rest.
FAITH ACTION: Greet everyone you meet today with a smile.