But Moses said to God,
“Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh
and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
He answered, “I will be with you;
and this shall be your proof that it is I who have sent you:
when you bring my people out of Egypt,
you will worship God on this very mountain.” (Ex 3:11-12)
God not only accompanies us on our life’s journey; He gives us all the help that we need.
The selection of Moses is a perfect example of being called.
Moses was standing around, minding his own business, when, all of a sudden, he noticed a bush apparently burning. Something was very different about this bush, however. No matter how much it burned, it was not being consumed by the fire.
Moved by curiosity, Moses approached the bush. He was very near it when the voice of God boomed out to come no nearer and to remove his sandals because he was standing upon holy ground.
Moses and God spoke with one another.
Moses was rather fearful.
God was rather clear: He wanted Moses to go to Egypt and free the Israelites.
How? When? Where? Why? What?
All in good time, Moses. All in good time.
God assured Moses that He would accompany him on his journey.
It took a lot of doing; however, Moses finally agreed to go as God had requested.
We are so like Moses. Even when the hand of God is very clear to us, we are often afraid. We are fearful that we will be left high and dry. We forget that God has always accompanied His people, especially when He sent them.
God wants to send us into the world today so that we may give witness to Him by word and deed.
What say you?
FAITH ACTION: Be confident and unafraid as you go into the world today. God will accompany you.