“O Lord, make this Lenten season different from the other ones. Let me find you again. Amen.” ~ Henri Nouwen
Nouwen has always had a way of delivering just the right message — and sometimes the right punch — in his writings. Today is no different.
We often clutter our Lenten journey with all the things that we are going to do and not do, all the extra services we are going to attend, all the extra prayers we are going to say. Yet, sometimes, we might get more mileage out of the season by pulling back and saying with heartfelt simplicity, Lord, let me find you again.
To pray that takes honesty because we admit that we have lost the way, perhaps even lost the Lord, in our daily lives. It takes humility as we ask God for His help rather than insisting that we can do it all on our own. It takes trust because we don’t like putting ourselves in anyone else’s hands, not even God’s.
“Let me find you again.” May it be so today.
FAITH ACTION: Give your all to the Lord today and ask Him to transform your life.
Remember: The Fridays of Lent are Days of Abstinence.