“Lent is a time of going very deeply into ourselves…What is it that stands between us and God? Between us and our brothers and sisters? Between us and life, the life of the Spirit? Whatever it is, let us relentlessly tear it out, without a moment’s hesitation.” ~ Catherine Doherty
I’ve known many people throughout the years that could easily be described as relentless. It may have been in sports, academics, or physical fitness. It may have been in theatre, music, or any of the arts. It may have been in work or vacationing. Whatever the situation, there have been those who were and are so hyper-focused as to keep themselves on their chosen path.
How about being relentless in our spiritual lives, though? For some reason, that always seems to take a back seat to our other ventures and goals. It might reflect an almost presumptuous thought that God will take care of us no matter what so we don’t have to do anything for Him or for our relationship with Him. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
The Lenten season challenges us to see the number of ways that we may have let weeds grow in our spiritual garden or the number of ways that we may have veered off the path that leads to the Kingdom. When we identify those things or issues in our lives, we should be relentless in rooting them out.
We all know that if we allow weeds to can control of our gardens, there is little hope for the plants, vegetables, or flowers. The same holds true for sin. If we allow sin to invade and take deep root in our souls, there is little hope for us. We could not only go astray, we might even run the risk of rejecting the Lord’s invitation to live with Him for all eternity.
You might be tired of keeping your Lenten resolutions. You might be wavering. Don’t stop. Don’t let the weeds take over your soul. Instead, double down. Give it your all today so that you may draw ever closer to our loving God.
FAITH ACTION: Don’t waver in your Lenten resolve. Continue to work on rooting out all that hinders you from a closer relationship with God.