“When it rains look for rainbows, when it’s dark look for stars.” ~ Oscar Wilde
They say that all you have to do is watch a two year old to determine what that child will be when he or she becomes an adult. Apparently, most of our basic traits are locked in by that time and exemplify themselves in our character and in the manner in which we interact with the world.
Some people are inherently suspicious. Some people are inherently sad. Some people are perpetually joyful. Some are filled with hope. All these traits are a part of our very make up.
If our make up tends to the sorrowful, the depressed, or the lack of hope, times like this are incredibly hard to endure. You might know people like that. They may be family members, friends, or co-workers. If they are having a hard time coping with the COVID-19 crisis as well as its recommendations to physically distance themselves, do your best to reach out to them in order to help them. They will be a better people for you doing so.
If you are one who is always cheerful, upbeat, and hopeful, do what you can to share that with others. Just be mindful of the fact that some will have a more difficult time hearing your message than others. Don’t browbeat them or try to make them change. “Offer” is the operative word here. Offer them a hand. Offer them a listening ear. Offer to share with them the hope that you have in your heart.
Do not allow the darkness of these days to affect your outlook. “When it rains look for rainbows, when it’s dark look for stars.” And when times are bleak and it appears that there is little hope, look for the Son. Jesus can lead us through any tempest in our lives.
FAITH ACTION: While maintaining and nurturing the hope that is in your heart, reach out to those who are having a difficult time during this pandemic crisis.