“The Christmas tree is a symbol of love, not money. There’s a kind of glory to them when they’re all lit up that exceeds anything all the money in the world could buy.” ~ Andy Rooney
Andy Rooney was a real mensch. He wrote and spoke about so many good things and gave people an opportunity to view the world in a different way. I like his take about the Christmas tree.
The Christmas tree truly belongs to this season not because it embodies money and commercialization but because is it a symbol of love. The green of the tree symbolizes life and the decorations on the tree, as simple or elaborate as they may be, symbolize glory. I think people miss the mark when they compete with other people’s tree displays. They also miss the mark when they criticize or judge other people’s trees.
The decorated Christmas tree is very personal. It reflects the hope of the person who put it up. It might reflect the cultural background of the person. It reflects many feelings and beliefs which is why it is so special.
By now, I’m sure most of you have your trees up in your homes. I hope that they speak to you about the wonder of Christmas, a wonder that is both internal even as it is expressed externally through your many decorations. Christmas is soon upon us. Continue to prepare.
FAITH ACTION: Share your hope of Christmas with others today.