“For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” ~ Judy Garland
Today is a big day for marketers. Candy sales and flower sales will go through the roof. More greeting cards will be purchased than on other days. Children will learn the art of exchanging notes as they pass their Valentine cards to one another in class. Yes, it is geared up to be a big day. Rightly so. It is important to let people who are dear to us know it. We have an innate need to tell people that we love them. There is nothing wrong with that.
What is “wrong” is that, on Valentine’s Day, we often forget our biggest Valentine: God. He loves us more than anybody here on earth could possibly love. He has done and will do more for us than anyone else. He has been with us through thick and thin. He has never broken a single promise to us. His love knows no limits.
Why is it, then, that God is so often ignored? Perhaps the mystique of Valentine’s Day could account for some of that. Why is it, do you think, that so many flowers, cards, and candies are given to loved ones today? It is not always an expression of constant love. Sometimes it’s more of an “Oops, I keep forgetting to tell you that I love you” kind of expression.
We have people in our lives whom we truly cherish yet we often fail to let them know. We think about them but forget to call them. We bring them to mind but fail to visit them. Then, when today comes around, a mad dash is made to secure a “proper” greeting for those we love.
God whispered into our hearts. God kissed our soul. He did not do it just on February 14th. He does it every moment of every day of our lives. From the time we were conceived in His image and likeness until the time He calls us to Himself, God is with us. He longs for that eternal union we will have with Him.
Do not sadden that special Valentine today. Let God know just how much you love Him and appreciate Him for all that He has done and promised to do for you. And, while you’re at it, if you haven’t purchased anything for your earthly love yet, get out there and get something.
FAITH ACTION: As you do with an earthly love, make sure that you make some quality time to spend with God today, letting Him know just how much you love Him.