“Astronomers are greatly disappointed when, having traveled halfway around the world to see an eclipse, clouds prevent a sight of it; and yet a sense of relief accompanies the disappointment.” ~ Simon Newcomb
We all like danger, at least to a certain degree. If we were not thrilled with the prospect of danger, several movie genres would never have been successful. Yet, as much as we may be lured by danger, we want it from a distance — a very safe distance.
Solar eclipses are something that fascinate a lot of people. As they approach, we hear about the dangers of attempting to view an eclipse with the naked eye. Just a brief glimpse of the sun at its height is enough to cause partial to complete blindness either temporarily or permanently. Yet, many people go out to watch solar eclipses.
I am sure that there are many people who identify with today’s quote. They may go out for an eclipse — largely due to the pressure of their friends — and secretly hope for something to obscure it. Some cloud cover might be welcome by many.
The excitement of danger is something that gets us in trouble many times and in many ways, not only in our daily lives but in our spiritual lives as well. We have been warned since youth to avoid certain sins and certain occasions of sin. Yet the sins themselves might be so tempting that we find ourselves lured to them, like moths to a flame.
If we are not careful, we can get burned. A solar eclipse will totally obscure the sun. Sin partially or completely obscures the Son. If we flirt with sin, we flirt with darkness. If we allow the dark to damage us, we risk living in the darkness rather than in the light of the Son of God.
As we try to exercise caution when watching solar eclipses, use caution when engaging in anything that may obscure the light of Christ. I do not think anyone wants to live in darkness for eternity.
FAITH ACTION: Pray for all of those who live in the darkness of sin so that they might come back to the light of Christ before it is too late.