“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
The world is filled with many trails. They can lead to some exceptional things, by this world’s standards: fame, fortune, glory, honor, prestige and the like. There are many people who walk those trails because they want as many and as much of each of those “rewards” as they can possibly snag throughout their lives.
Yet we know that fame, fortune, glory, honor, prestige and the like are not the ultimate prize. The ultimate prize is eternity with God. If we are to find that prize, we have to step away from the trails here on earth and be trailblazers. We have to look for the narrow way and follow that path as it leads to the Kingdom of God.
It would be absolutely wonderful if we could find that trail. It would be even better if we brought others along with us.
If we do not know how to get there, all we have to do is turn to a rich assortment of aids that we have at our fingertips. First of all, we have the accounts of Jesus’ life in the Bible. Jesus shows us the way to God. He teaches us how to be humble and holy. Some people find the accounts of Jesus a bit too difficult to grasp, however.
There is another way as well. There are many saints that have led heroic lives and, because of their examples, teach us how to embrace God’s will. Because some of the saints may have gone through exactly what we are facing in our daily lives, they may be a more concrete example of what we should do in order to embrace God’s will.
As we consider the lives of the saints, it would be good to remember that we are all saints-in-the-making. Just as we may learn how to follow God in this life through the example of the great saints of old, we, too, have the opportunity to show the way to others. In blazing a trail to the Kingdom as we deal with the stresses and strains of our lives, we might be the example that others could follow one day.
Do you want the example you set to be one that inspires others? If so, you will need to reject the lures and temptations of this world. Getting filled with this world’s promises can only lead to temporary happiness and lead others astray. Striving for the Kingdom, on the other hand, will lead to eternal life and set a wonderful example for others to follow.
FAITH ACTION: Be sure that the example you set today is one that leads others to Christ.