“Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.”
~ Maya Angelou
The job of a Christian is never complete. We are called to do. Once done, we are called to do more. Once done, we are called to do better. And more. And better. And more. And… Sometimes, Christians get put out by that. They think that they should get a break. They might even believe that, since they have been doing things for others for so long, they should be able to rest and let someone else do for them.
That is not the case because the job of a Christian is never done. There is always one more thing that needs to be accomplished and one more person that needs to be helped. There is one more person that needs to be taught and one more opportunity to share the faith with others. We need to take hold of each of those opportunities and pour ourselves, pour our best, into them.
If we do so, we might get some recognition here on earth. That’s all right, as long as that was not the reason we did the things that we did. The recognition for which we long comes not on earth but in heaven where we long to hear those words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
This is something that parents need to teach their children. We all need to learn that our job is to do good to and for others without looking for reward. If we do for others without regard of reward, we will find a peace that settles in our lives and a confidence in the Lord’s goodness. Teach others of the importance of doing good by your example this day.
FAITH ACTION: Do the best you can today, tomorrow, and every day.