“Some things don’t need to be cut back. They need to be cut off.” ~ Beth Moore
This is the time of the year, the time when Catholics truly begin to look forward to the end of Lent. Why? Because they are craving a return to all the things that they may have given up for the season: coffee, soda, candy, cakes, and the like. Some people may have given up other things/practices as well.
A question truly needs to be asked at this time: should we return to some of the practices that we have given up? Are they too much of a hindrance to a deeper relationship with God? Do they benefit our spiritual lives or harm our spiritual lives?
Sometimes people are very ambitious in their Lenten sacrifices. They give up vices that are bad for them, vices that they should not pick up again. They engage in good works for others in the season, good works that absolutely should continue. We should not go back to the former people that we were once Easter arrives. Instead, we should continue as a new people, continuing to work on the things that keep us from the Lord.
All of us have a number of things in our lives that still need to be addressed. We do not need to cut back on certain practices, we should cut them off completely as they keep us from drawing closer to God. They are a danger to us as they can imperil our souls.
Lent has been about focus and work. Don’t let the good work that you have done this Lent go by the wayside by returning to your old ways. Instead, continue working with the new self that you now are. Make your improvements day by day and show the Lord that you desire to draw every closer to Him.
FAITH ACTION: Inventory your life and determine what practices you should not return to after Lent.
Just a reminder, your last opportunity
to go to confession at St. Thomas More
before Easter is tonight at 7:00 p.m.